Part C: Engaged Citizens Resources


  • Let’s Be Enemies – Janice May Udry
    James and John are best friends — or at least they used to be. They shared pretzels, umbrellas, and even chicken pox. Now James always wants to be boss, and John doesn’t want to be friends anymore. But when he goes to James’ house to tell him so, something unexpected happens.
  • Clancy’s Coat – E. Bunting
    This book deals with numerous misunderstandings between friends. Two old friends in dispute over one’s cow trampling the other’s garden come to understand each other’s feelings about the things they cherish. They are able to rekindle their friendship by talking and sharing.
  • Charter for Children Book Series – DC Canada Education Publishing:
  • Discovery Education Videos: “A Kid’s Guide to Rules”:
  • Learning to – website with many resources –
  • Welcoming – website with applicable resources
  • How to Bullyproof your Classroom by Caltha Growe – Responsive Classroom –


USCK.1:  Develop basic habit to establish healthy relationships with self, others, and the environment. 

  • Describe feelings of calmness/peacefulness and experiment with the language to convey these feelings.
  • Share what is known about healthy relationships (e.g. be kind to each other, laugh together, accept differences, feel like one belongs and contributes).
  • Observe and discuss interactions among others (i.e. real life, media, literature) to identify positive/helpful and negative/hurtful behaviours.

USCK.2:  Establish behaviours that support safety of self and others (including safety at school and at home).

APK.1:  Demonstrate, with guidance, initial steps for developing basic health habits, establishing healthy relationships, supporting safety, and exploring “self”.

Treaty Education

TRK:  Examine the diversity of First Nations peoples living in Saskatchewan starting with the classrooms and communities in which they live.

HCK:  Explore the connection all people have to the land as expressed through stories, traditions, and ceremonies.

TPPK:  Examine the intent of different kinds of promises.


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Kindergarten ResourcesKindergarten Engaged Citizens Part C Engaged Citizens Resources