English Resources

Kindergarten Citizenship Studies
Engaged Citizens

Part A: Curricular Connections and Background

Broad Area of Citizenship

Overview and Desired Results of Citizenship Study 

Enduring Understandings of Citizenship Study 

Knowledge and Skill Development

Curriculum Outcomes and Indicators

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Part B: Learning Plan

Citizenship Inquiry

Questions to Guide Inquiry

Connect to Topic and Surface Students’ Thinking About …

Developing Understanding

Apply and Extend Knowledge

Evidence of Learning

Student Citizenship Journal Opportunities

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Part C: Engaged Citizens Resources


Cross-Curricular Connections

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Kindergarten Citizenship Studies
Lifelong Learning Citizens

Part A: Curricular Connections and Background

Broad Area of Citizenship

Desired Results of Citizenship Study

Enduring Understandings of Citizenship Study

Knowledge and Skill Development

Essential Questions

Curriculum Outcomes and Indicators

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Part B: Learning Plan

Citizenship Inquiry

Questions to Guide Inquiry

Connect to Topic and Surface Students’ Thinking About …

Developing Understanding

Apply and Extend Knowledge

Evidence of Learning

Student Citizenship Journal Opportunities

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Part C: Lifelong Learning Resources


Cross-Curricular Connections

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Kindergarten Citizenship Studies
Self, Community, and Place

Part A: Curricular Connections and Background

Broad Area of Citizenship

Desired Results of Citizenship Study

Enduring Understandings of Citizenship Study

Knowledge and Skill Development

Essential Questions

Curriculum Outcomes and Indicators

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Part B: Learning Plan

Citizenship Inquiry

Questions to Guide Inquiry

Connect to Topic and Surface Students’ Thinking About …

Developing Understanding

Apply and Extend Knowledge

Evidence of Learning

Student Citizenship Journal Opportunities

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Part C: Self, Community, and Place Resources


Cross-Curricular Connections

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Additional Tools

Grades K – 2

Colour, Symbol, Image

This routine invites students to identify the main ideas in a text and represent them in nonverbal ways.

Concept Mapping

(Stars and Constellations)

Students individually and collectively surface their prior knowledge, assumptions, and conclusions about an essential question.

Discursive Sentence Starters

Hand gestures can signal the kind of thinking move a student intends to make when it’s their turn. 

Discussion Passport

When you’re travelling, you need a valid passport to gain admission to other’s lands. Another person’s ideas are a bit like another land, and it’s important to travel there respectfully.

Four Corners

Students individually and collectively surface their prior knowledge, assumptions, and conclusions about an essential question.

See, Think, Wonder

This routine asks students to silently observe images/text and note the details or importance of the image/text.

Sentence, Phrase, Word

This discursive and thinking routine supports students to think about big ideas and provides a structure for conversation.

Silent Conversations

This strategy provides a safe space to find new points of connection, tension, and curiosity.

Windows and Mirrors

A discursive strategy to clarify and deepen knowledge of the text or topic

Mentor Text Study

Sample unit plans. More content will be added on an ongoing basis.

Mentor Text Study

All Grades


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Kindergarten ResourcesKindergarten Resource Summary